Comments on Pastel Beach

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

AAAAA FIRST OFF, I am so so so so so sorry I didn't respond to this sooner!! I had one heck of a month and hadn't been in the right headspace as IRL came swinging real hard.

I am SO so so in love with this, oh my god. My heart is legitimately melting and fluttering at how absolutely stunning this is!? This swimsuit design is dELICIOUS??!! The little intricate gold details, the gorgeous sheer pieces, and gosh don't even get me started on that bg??!! My jaw has dropped a million times over and this isn't even an exaggeration. Like, this is gorgeous. Just. Phenomenal. ; _ ; It has been such a difficult month IRL that this piece singlehandedly made my entire month and maybe even year, haha.

I just adore your style so much and how gorgeous he turned out in it. I can't stop zooming in to admire all the details, especially his sweet little face ;O; I just wanna hold her and cover her face in kissies, you drew her so so so so so amazing.

I REALLY want to get you back, if that's okay with you!! Especially since it's AF season.... :3c ohoho

2023-07-02 17:04:29

Cylunny Avatar

OH wow no worries king! ;A; I don't even expect comments so this was a nice surprise cx

The design is gorgeous and I felt like I didnt do em justice honestly, so I am glad to hear you feel I did! And that it helped you through a tough month. gives me the fuzzy feelings haha~

Come at me then I am ready JDJSHFfh

2023-07-03 01:43:30