Comments on Fairy Prince

vellichordays Avatar

I'm so happy to see someone incorporated armor into their gala outfit, I love armor so much and this is gorgeous! the overall palette and dynamic pose really showcase your bun's personality so well! there's so much tiny detail with the flower patterns and the sword jewelry, and I love the puff sleeves as well 🥰

2023-06-01 11:42:55

Blesmol Avatar

Oh thank you so much, this is such a sweet comment! I love armor too - still a bit beyond my level to craft a full set but it's fun to play around with bits and bobs like this. ^^

2023-06-01 13:55:42

vellichordays Avatar

honestly when you combine armor with a more fancy outfit it looks so nice too? I remember actually seeing a video talking about a trend in painting of women in full on outfits but with gauntlets or chestplates- I can't recall if it had a name but this piece reminded me of that!

2023-06-01 17:24:24