Comments on [Gift] Bloom

olddorothy Avatar

oh. my GOODNESS this is gorgeous?!? you depicted such an ethereal, calming vibe with the sparkling haze and beautiful use of blues. i keep finding little details to marvel over, like the wrinkle in hops’ bow or how you rendered the cobblestone, you have such a nice attention to detail and it all looks so clean and pretty. and i’m so so honored you included nino!! his face and horns make him look so dapper and composed, with his chubby little bun tummy making me want to stick my face in that fluff!! i really like the way you draw buns, especially their cute hind legs and feets ;; thank you so so so much for including me in your art, i’m really honored!!!!

2023-04-27 10:36:47

Blesmol Avatar

Oh thank you so so much, you are too sweet. I'm so happy you like how I drew your bun! :D

2023-04-27 15:45:24