Comments on Dead of Night Wrap

GrinningGhoulie Avatar

I am so happy I was able to join the community just as you guys released a gothic vampire storyline!!
🦇🥀🫀🥀🫀🥀🫀🥀🦇 That is one of my all time favorite kinds of stories!! 😭 Ahhhhhh I love gothic vampire settings so much! My obsession runs deep! Nerd out moment, but that was even the theme I used for my Birthday this year, I bought a wrought iron candleabra and had fun going through my book collection to decorate the table! It also felt like an extention to spooky season in general and it made me so happy. I also loved seeing the little Easter Eggs with Lagosi’s / Silver’s names and Lagosi’s ability to turn into mist!! It’s a less used ability that you see in vampire stories, so I was really happy to see it used here! Loved it, loved it! And the twist had me screeching like a goof in delight and kicking my feet. Dang I wish there were more ways we could interact alongside of the story beats! I don’t know if I will be able to hit all the story prompts before November runs out, but I really enjoyed this! I wanted to make sure you guys got to hear about it, and yes! Excited gushing over now, thank you for putting up with my rambling. ( uvu ) Just wanted to make sure I let you all know how lovely this was!

2024-11-22 09:15:39