Comments on [Closed] Hops’ Special Menu Gacha

Nokiry Avatar
Featured by Owner

I'd like to claim smooch hooch!

2022-10-30 23:42:29 (Edited 2022-10-31 09:11:44)

Luca Avatar
Luca Staff Member

Please reply or DM me on Discord with your PayPal email so I can send you an invoice. Thank you for preclaiming :)

2022-10-31 12:34:17

Nokiry Avatar


2022-10-31 14:31:21

Luca Avatar
Luca Staff Member

Thank you for waiting; I’ve sent you an invoice and will register your bun tomorrow after it is paid.

2022-11-01 00:59:45

Sydney Avatar

Noted, thank you! Luca will reach out for your info tomorrow~

2022-10-30 23:44:40