Comments on [Gift] She sells seashells by the He Snores

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

This concept is so fucking cute I think I'm going to cry actually jshjfg It's so surreal seeing the three of them together!!! In one image!!!

Leah looks so determined with her lil face ;w; The tongue sticking out is the cutest fucking thing ever. And Leo's face is serving Evil Thoughts Only. He's been dreaming of this day, clearly. Imagined this moment so many times and finally it's happening.. finally he can turn the guy into a mermaid........... whatever that is
Percy's fucking face is making me laugh, he's so cute in his sugar coma... his drool omfg. How long have you been out buddy

Also I can appreciate the title of this piece sjhfdk help Nailed it. Banger

The dedication to drawing those seashells is actually impressive I'm ngl. and the colours you picked for them, oouughhh, scratching my brain and my eyes juuuuuust right

I don't know why but. like. I KNEW they all had hellfire obviously, but seeing them all together just REALLY got my brain going "oh my god. hellfire trio..." of the most satisfying colours no less.... all matchies... a nice little gradient between them oughh. It's also the fact that they all have exactly three each. what the fuck, satisfying

by the way. I fucking love the lines you do over bnuuy noses. it's so so so so so satisfying and I've always thought this but like especially now. I wanna pet their widdle noses so bad

leo's flame markings are soooo satisfying ugh
And leah's little butt heart has me weak here

I just can't believe you keep cooking.... it's making me hecking sniffle everywhere
I love getting to see the three them interact so much ;~; I'm holding them all gently... this piece has so much personality oozing from it, I don't know how the hell you do it I swear

THANK YOU thank you thank you for drawing them, it always means so much to me you busy animal person you

2024-06-26 00:24:32