Comments on [Gift] Girls In Bikinis

Bisc Avatar

Oh my gosh!! What a fun surprise? I'm losing my mind, this is so sweet!! I adore seeing my girl in her environment with a bunch of other fun-loving girls.. It's perfect. They way they're all holding hands for the picture is so cute.
I really love the the sunglasses you put on mine!! The blue is such a fun vibe and absolutely perfect for her. And the background is so pretty, I love those colors.. Thank you so much for including me in this piece! I love it so much!!

2024-06-01 11:21:10

CynicalCryptid Avatar

Aaaa I'm so glad you like it! I saw her in the myo list and I absolutely had to draw her! She has such a fun vibe!

2024-06-01 11:23:25