Comments on [Gift] 2. horns

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

I AM SO SO SO obsessed with this aAAAA The sheer amount of joy this brought me instantly is immeasurable!! THANK YOU for drawing my son for me, I am completely in love with how adorable this is! ;o;

2023-12-21 17:22:18

Yapi Avatar

uhuhuhuuu GLAD YOU LIKE!! :3c

i enjoy making small random gift doodles when the time and mood is there.... and i find myself fairly busy these days LMAO sooo i'm very happy it's appreciated when i do find time ^w^)b

your clown son is beautiful and he deserves all the water-squirting flowers, creampies and slippery banana peels he could ever wish for :]

2023-12-26 22:43:47