Comments on [Gift] Apple Picking Pals

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KIRUUUU WHAT THE HECK this is so stinking cute!! I love this so so much.
That background is absolutely GORGEOUS I love all the details in the grass and the fence and everything, it's all so beautiful.. and the SHADING on the apple baskets especially are so stunning I'm blown away by how good those look.. Everything about this is so pretty.

Everybun is so cute!! Little Sofia up in the tree melts my heart so much.. She looks so happy to be reaching those hard-to-get apples and it's precious. I love her little pose and the way her tail is wrapped behind the branch and the little fold in her wing.. It's all so cute!!

And everyone else is so cute too! I adore that Bram still has an eggplant that made me laugh. It's all so good! Thank you so much for including my bun, you're so sweet. This is amazing!!

2023-09-03 09:05:55