MYO-3531: Effie

Owned by maiasomata


 Effie  She/Her  Greed  Ladylike  Lesbian  5'10"  Socialite  Doll Form   Classical
Icon thanks to SparklyOwlGuts
Pagedoll thanks to Murmer


Elegant · Graceful · Suave · Confident

There is not a single bun that has not heard of Effie and could truly be called a socialite. Known far and wide for her extravagant parties, Effie likes to bring the drama wherever she goes. She loves to be the life of the party, and gets along easily with everyone she meets, even those she finds distasteful. Effie did not come to burrowgatory with her piles of carats, she started out as a casino rat and spent several years behind slot machines and blackjack tables. One day she hit the jackpot, taking home nearly half of Wonderland Casino's bank and quite a bit of animosity from Angora. She never returned to the casino, instead living her new life in the lap of luxury. Her hobbies include sponsoring and nurturing the careers of potential young artists and going to other people's parties so she can be reminded how much better her mansion is than theirs.


  • Luxury
  • Indulgence
  • Hosting Lavish Parties
  • Sponsoring Young Artists


  • Scum
  • Bitters
  • Poverty
  • Clubs


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Effie has a large walk-in closet full of lacy lingerie and velvety robes in sizes for both bun and doll form. No one is quite sure why she insists on wearing lingerie in bun form, but she claims it ups her appeal and is never seen in bun form undressed.

Most of her time is spent entertaining guests in doll form, as she enjoys the increased freedom in fashion.


  • Her signature hat and hairstyle intentionally cover her eye. Effie was born blind in her left eye and chooses to hide it. She wore an eyepatch for a while but it didn't stick, and she likes the hat because she thinks it makes her more mysterious.
  • Effie often hires help to clean around the mansion, but does not have a dedicated live-in maid. Perhaps there is a job opening?
  • She often indulges herself by bringing friends to her mansion for nights of fantastic food and lovely company.
  • Her mansion is by no means the largest in burrowgatory, but is quite impressive and features far more rooms than one bun could ever have use for. For that reason, Effie is rarely without guests, and she allows nearly anyone to stay with her as long as they'd like.
  • Part of her mansion has been converted into an art gallery, and Effie is always looking to expand her collection. She cares far more about the artist than the art, and will happily pay exorbitant prices for custom pieces.



After Cheery's unfortunate upbringing, the Church of Sulfur gave her the choice to stay with them or stay with an older bun while she explored the possibilities of the city. She chose not to stay with the church and was assigned to Effie, who happily took her in upon the church's request. The poor envy bun had grown up with twisted values that Effie set about straightening out, and the two quickly developed a strong bond. Cheery ended up staying with Effie for several years before finally finding her calling thanks to a mutual connection.

           Artist of Interest

From the first moment Effie saw Anarchy on stage, she knew she wanted to support the young artist. Immediately after the performance she'd chosen to attend she swooped Anarchy up, offering her funding and connections in the world of theater. Anarchy accepted with grace befitting of a villain. These connections allowed her to spend time learning from masters of the art, and slowly but surely Anarchy perfected her craft. Effie bestowed another gift upon the young actress when she introduced her to Cheery, a directionless performer with a love for the ridiculous. The two instantly hit it off, and the rest is history.

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  • Gift art is allowed