
Owned by Luca



Shibani is a charmingly lazy succubun who prefers to spend his days lounging and dozing amidst piles of pillows and blankets. He isn't the brightest, but he's incredibly warm and sweet, and has a way of winning over even the grumpyiest buns with his sleepy smiles and simple, trusting character.

Fortunately for him, the hardworking Dan has a fondness for him that he just can't shake, and allows Shibani to freeload off of him so that he doesn't have to work. Shibani loves hanging around Dan all the time, and  his easily-impressed nature always flatters Dan's big ego. Though Dan may not want to admit that they're in a relationship, they totally are.

Shibani's small, slender body is the perfect canvas for Dan to practice his rope art, and Shibani enjoys the comforting restraint and feeling of compression from being bound. Dan especially loves to do ties that highlight Shibani's plump behind, which Dan often proclaims is a soft as mochi. It makes you wonder what he's really doing when he says he's busy "pounding mochi"...

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