
Owned by Yves



Quince, owner of Pedigree Pets, is a boisterous and cheerful woman who always gives one hundred and ten percent effort to anything she sets her mind to. Some find her to be domineering or overwhelming, but those who learn to march to beat find her to be an unswervingly loyal friend who's always there to take care of them.

Quince has held many passions in life. When she was first starting out, she took up work as a farmer, becoming devoted to the cultivation of the finest fruits in Burrowgatory. From her love of produce arose a love of food, especially sweets, leading her to leave her farm for a career as a chef. After years spent mastering every type of sweet from ice cream to soufflés, she took an interest in the unusual effects her confections had on imps that ate them.

Hutch introduced her to the basics of imp care—something they would come to regret, as Quince eagerly dove into experimenting with feeding different foods to the imps she tamed and trained. She loves catching, taming, and training imps, then spoiling them with whatever sorts of sweets they seem to enjoy until they slowly transform into incredible new creatures.

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