
Owned by Yves



Oleander is the head priest of the Church of Sulfur. He's very passionate about his work of giving sermons and taking confessions, believing that faith in the values of demons is the true path to happiness for all succubuns. He's quite charismatic and good at speaking—Mercy's management gets potential followers in the door, but Oleander's words keep them there.

Of course, faith in demons means believing that indulging in one's desires is a holy duty, and Oleander has a rather one track mind when it comes to desire... He's known to be quite a lecher, and isn't above propositioning his own parishioners for sexual exchanges whenever his libido calls for it—which is extremely often.

While Oleander would never go so far as to harass the uninterested, his tendency to think with his lower head can lead to him making some poor decisions. He's pretty sure that Mercy is doctoring the church's books to some extent, but if he called them out on it, they would stop using their body to "distract" him from it, and he doesn't want that...

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