MYO-991: Kain

Owned by Monadx0x0
> Kain Qiphoth
  • Transmasc (he/him, they/them)
  • Young adult (24-29ish)
  • Core staff at the Church of Sulfur's employee general store; also volunteers for Church work and to help new buns acclimate to Burrowgatory
  • Most simply call him the "Handyman" or by his name
  • High alcohol tolerance, average credit score, high libido.
  • A gruff bun that tries his hardest to be chill, but can have a prickly temper at times.
  • He's a softie at heart, but tends to get into conflicts because of his looks.
  • When he's at work, he's quite sociable but is stiff and abrasive off the clock. His "customer service face" takes a lot out of him.
  • Has a cute smile when he lets his guard down… good luck catching that, though.
  • Likes to joke with his friends roughly, though he always ends up apologizing if he thinks he's too rough.
  • Always ends up getting way more Church Merch than he sets out to… the Church Shop is always stocked, on the bright side.
  • Made a deal with Mercy that they won't report him stealing the occasional thing or two from the shop's stock for a fee.
  • Has a horrible diet, but a fast metabolism—no tummyaches!

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's all part of the learning process." — Tighnari, Genshin Impact

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing