MYO-979: Deveraux

Owned by Pooch

2024 Breeding Partner:MYO-978
Roroko has permission to breed this succubun.*


Uses he/him pronouns and almost exclusively present as male.

Deveraux is a carefree up to no good bun who lives his best life mooching off of others and getting things he like (not necessarily by the most legal means). A flighty bun, always got something he wants to do somewhere, but if you got a little treat for him… he might just stay around a little longer.

He is a glutton to the core, he loves a good treat, plenty of food, delicious drinks, though he does have a thirst he struggles to satiate completely. While he tries to keep it under control, if the opportunity arises he will happily indulge in it. Due to his gluttonous nature he has a tendency to put a lot of things in his mouth, not necessarily thinking too much about it. While he have gotten better and it’s only really an issue when stressed, he does carry a plush bun around with him that he chews on when necessary.

He often goes to the church to get his plush repaired, since the buns there are quite helpful when you need them. Some of them more than others.

He likes sneaking around at night and breaking into people’s homes and shops and collect small trinkets. He has a special affinity for knives and daggers, liking how they rest in his hand, and will without a doubt steal any that stand out to him. He likes the thrill and danger that comes with doing illegal activities, even though he is aware he puts himself at risk… however… he hasn’t been fully caught yet, so why have any fear? He can definitely escape any dangerous situation, at least so he believes.

Deveraux grew up with a demon named Orion. Orion was an interesting demon with a lot of interesting tastes, tastes he was happy to share with young Raux. It was not a surprise to the demon when his bun grew up a glutton, happily eating and drinking whatever he was fed. Orion was also the one to gift Deveraux his plush, one of his prized possessions. He tries to always carry it on him or keep it safe nearby. Despite how much he chews on it, it seems to look pristine still.

He lives on/off at Fulgent’s shop, a place he likes to hide out when things get too intense and he knows that he has to lay low for a moment. Luckily Fulgent doesn’t mind, as long as he helps out, intimidate or charm some buns so he can squeeze out some extra carats out of them

Favorite thing to eat/drink…. Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy ;)

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