MYO-978: Gabriel

Owned by Roroko

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-979

Pooch has permission to breed this succubun.

🦇 Gabriel 🦇
Age ~Late 90s
Height 6’3"
Gender Male
Orientation Bi
NSFW? Yes (Top/Dom)
Relationships? Yes
breeding? Ask
detailed profile WIP

The inner workings of the one percent of society were usually shrouded in mystery for those financially below them—yet in Burrowgatory this was far from true, with wealthy buns readily burying themselves in the same sinful desires as the rest. This was much the same for Gabriel: nurtured from infancy by an affluent demon named Blackburn, Gabriel was raised like a princeling. His master instilled in him the manners of nobility and the desire for gentlemanly pursuits…but Blackburn was still a demon, one who prioritized his carnal needs of flesh and blood above all, and made sure that Gabriel was of the same mind.

Gabriel is a devout follower of the Church of Sulfur. He’s generous with his tithes and attends many a sermon, wholeheartedly believing that all succubun should live immorally, much like the demons that shaped them into what they are today. Gabriel freely bares his sins for all to witness, and revels in doing so; his openness to such debauchery is one of the only few ways he truly differs from his master, who is much more secretive when it comes to indulgences of the flesh. This has led to quite a few nuns and priests of the parish becoming familiar with his bedroom and particular habits, like his penchant for sadism. Despite his courteous demeanor, there is nothing that Gabriel loves more than inflicting pain and working for his pleasure, and you’ll find no shortage of toys, ropes, and contraptions specifically tailored for BDSM in his abode.

Gabriel’s hobbies and profession are no secret to those around him. He’s a fencing fanatic and a parlor game enthusiast, favoring games of skill and wit where he can flex his silver tongue to his heart’s content. Gabriel also runs a high class, members-only social club named Ichor, and is the sole manager of the distinguished club’s members. Ichor is a hard club to get into, requiring a hefty entry fee after being nominated by one of its members and vetted by Gabriel himself. It’s a lengthy process, but once you’re in, it’s said that opportunities come knocking at your door in excess.

But watch your back. There’s something very off about many members of the club…

alcohol tolerance high

libido high

credit score high
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