MYO-970: Kennedy

Owned by tapperhed


Thrift shop owner and DIY vendor.

If one were to take frequent visits to the darker corners of burrowgatory's marketplace district, they'd likely at the very least Heard of Thread Kennedys at some point in time. Heard being literal, the ramshackle looking thrift store both visually loud with its ever changing tapestry of spray painted graffiti along its walls interspersed with flyers and posters to whatever local garage band trying to make their name known at any given time, as well as the tinny speaker system within the building itself blasting air time of some obscure mix tape that spills out into the street questioning burrowgatory's noise ordinances. Its hours are inconsistent, clearly manned solo by whenever the owner deigns to upkeep, but its connection to the local music scene as a promo joint and impromptu recording studio keeping it afloat.

The eponymous owner, Kennedy, is a piece of work himself. A greed bun sporting a rather tall set of horns that frequently either hit doorframes or end up tangled in whatever errata he has hanging around the place, in patchwork clothing that though doesn't look bad by any means is clearly something he fashions himself as a labor of love; Often seen at the front desk sewing patches onto jackets or handmaking buttons or flyers. The punk sees the irony in both his vice and his decision to run a small business despite being loudly anti-establishment, though he's open to explaining the merits of ethical consumption under capitalism and the good of funneling wealth back into the community versus into the hands of corporations et cetera et cetera.

And if one chooses to Believe his intentions are legitimate is up to them, though he's taken a dirge of independent artists and musical talent under his wing and does seem to genuinely care about the scene. While not involved in an act himself, he's often seen about playing guitar and in his off hours takes to busking from time to time. He lives above his shop, and though its hard to predict when Those doors open he at the very least makes a good habit of always making himself available as needed, fostering a safe space if someone needs a couch to crash on or a shoulder to lean on.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed