MYO-892: Oster

Owned by mmj


> just a little dumb
> easily amused and optimistic!
> works at a popular coffee shop that's frequented by many buns in creative fields. this is how she met Mika and the two are friends, Oster likes Mika because she is always kind to her and protects her.
> lives a simple life with her three impups (wait is that a harpup? well they both have pup in the name so...) in a small studio apartment
> her hobbies are walking her imps, swimming, and whatever Mika is doing at the moment :)
> while being a greed bun, she doesn't tend to show the traits of one at first glance. though when she creates relationships, she can be very greedy over the time spent with those buns.
> imp naming quirk: cold/frozen drinks

> b-cup, prefers practical undergarments without care for the look

pet wishlist:

0/11 NPC prompt completed

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed