MYO (MYO) ・ Succubun ・ Sinful

MYO-871: 🥂Champagne

Owned by RainyFey

Champagne 🥂 

He/him ~ Pansexual ~ Party Animal
  • Insanely high alcohol tolerance
  • Knows how to swing dance
  • Did someone say Karaoke?? Hand him a mic and he'll never shut up. You've been warned
  • Has a hard time with words, so he tends to come off as kind of shallow/vapid if he doesn't have enough time to organize his thoughts. Has absolutely gotten drinks thrown in his face before due to butchering the delivery on a pickup line.
  • No thoughts, head empty. He's pretty easygoing. Tends to forget his mistakes quickly after making them (and begging forgiveness). Never lets anything bother him for long. Gotta keep the party rolling!
  • Buy him a drink and suddenly you're the most important person in the room ✨




Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns MYO Champagne


Champagne may not be the biggest party animal in Burrowgatory, but he's certainly gunning for the spot. Fond of the phrase, "hold my beer and watch this." A night out with Champagne is never a dull one, and rarely a completely safe one.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive Champagne’s immediate and irreversible friendship, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Your succubun has run into Champagne on a normal night out. Unsurprisingly, he’s got a drink (or two, or three…) in his hand and is insisting that he could drink anyone under the table.
Depict your bun challenging him to a drinking contest — loser pays the tab. Does your succubun come out on top? Or are they no match for his habitual excess?

Rewards: Champagne’s Flask

Option 2: Countdown 🥂
It’s New Year’s Eve, and you know what that means: Parties!! Champagne is in the habit of hitting up every single celebration he possibly can on this night, and he’ll always find a drink or a willing partner to kiss as the clock strikes midnight.
Depict your succubun counting down, or welcoming in the new year with a raised glass or a new year’s kiss!

Rewards: New Year’s Confetti

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Champagne’s trinkets, you will always have an exuberant drinking partner.



Reward Amount
Um... Bragging rights?


Design Notes


This is mostly for my own benefit because I keep forgetting how to color him. I'm really not a stickler for this and tend to eyeball colors on my own characters all the time, but he has so many subtle hues (thanks, past self) that I wanted a color palette somewhere easily accessible for my sake and for the sake of anyone brave enough to draw him 💕

For the Aqueous trait, I used the lightest color as the foam. Then, the darker two gold shades are used as his hair and an airbrush is used around the edges to make them somewhat trasnparent*(optional). Then, on a separate layer, I used the lighter gold shade on the Add/Glow setting (CSP) at 24% Opacity. Also: those aren't freckles on his face (well, there are, but) his cheeks have glitter on them that he applies like makeup before going out ✨ He just wants to be the sparkliest he can be (and he was designed before the shimmer trait existed haha)



  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed