MYO-855: Amarillo

Owned by MiamiMami



Amarilo is a gambaling bun at heart. He loves any games of chance and will happily throw all his carrats on any game. There's days were he wins big, he'll clean out a casino of every carrat it's got, then there's the more common days. The days that Amarillo loses everything including the shirt on his back.

The bad days of losing everything seem to happen far more frequntly than the good days. It doesn't help that Amarillo owes a lot of buns a lot of carrats. Currently, he has a rather large and looming debit over his head from Angoura's own casino. The kind of debit that makes Angoura sending some buns over to Amarillo and breaking his knees over it a very reall possibility. Amarillo typically relied on Cassidy to help pay off his debits, but the older bun has stopped that. Cassidy forced Amarillo to work as a bartender at his bar to repay him for prior debits payed off.

Currently, Amarillo has been working and slaving away to try and pay off not only Angoura but Cassidy as well. 

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