MYO-846: Gris

Owned by Calanthe
  Gee, Grey, Giri, Greysi (pronounced like Gracie)   it / she / he   Early thirties   Gluttony   What is gender??   Pansexual   Taken/Polyamorous   Voice Claim   5'0   Part-timer in... Any job ever   Theme Song


loyal · kind · naïve · shy

Ending up with gluttony horns was a real toss-up, as a little bun it spent equally as much time sleeping as she did devouring food. Nowadays, the horns seem very fitting as he has a massive appetite (and not for just food)!
Guaranteed to open up to you if you offer it something to eat, especially if it's delicious and/or a new dish. After all, someone who shares something as important as a meal can't be bad, right?
Works a lot of odd jobs, since he's always looking forward to learning new things + acquiring new experiences. Has nurse training as well, but for now she doesn't want to be tied down to one place for work... But when it does work consistently, it's at it's littermate Rubí's bakery.


  • Sweets
  • Sleepovers
  • Cute outfits
  • Learning new things


  • Long work shifts
  • Gory horror movies
  • Being deceived
  • Burnt food


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant



They met at a point in which Gris was overworking himself, feeling really lost with its life, and very vulnerable to the comments and behaviours of her coworkers towards him. Valentino provided it with support, patience and a whole lot of love. In return, Gris is fiercely loyal to him and would do anything he'd ever ask of her.


Gris was on his own the day they met, at a random event Haze happened to play at. They quickly realized there were a couple of shady people going after it, so he pretended to know Gris in order to keep her safe. They became friends, and eventually, entered a romantic triad with his other partner.
The two of them are taking it all much, much slower than the other side of their relationship, still exploring each other as more than just friends.

            Littermates / ?

Gris mostly has memories of napping together and sharing food with Rubí, when they were under the wing of the same demon caretaker.
Despite how relatively well known Rubí became once she made it to burrowgatory, they only met back again by chance when Rubí started his bakery business.
Gris tries his best to keep her happy and stay on his good graces, it is hard when she has outbursts of jealousy.

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