MYO-8409: Gil

Owned by Roroko
🔪 Gil 🔪
Age ~Early 50s
Height 6'
Gender Male
Orientation Bi
NSFW? Yes (Vers/Dom)
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Detailed Profile Toyhouse

To cherubuns, coming to Burrowgatory meant a new life full of endless possibilities. Even the most mundane cherubun could achieve an exciting new lifestyle in this drastically different setting, and many cherubun went on to do just that. Sometimes though, the vices could hit them hard, and while every cherubun had an impressive support system in the form of their peers and the Heavenly Embassy, a few were bound to fall through the cracks. Whether it be from shame or the guilt of doing something unspeakable, they continued down a path of no return, unable to receive the help they so desperately needed to acclimate to Burrowgatory. Thankfully there were very few cherubun in such a state, and Gil…

Gil would say that he’s not one of them. No—he’s doing just fine.

Gil is an older cherubun who’s adjusted fairly well to life in Burrowgatory. Like his good friend Maro, he’s a beloved elder in the community who has cared for his fair share of younger buns. He’s picked up a variety of hobbies, and has plenty of other cherubun his age to turn to when he’s in need of emotional support. Back in the meadow he loved to clean up and keep tidy, and in Burrowgatory he got a job to reflect that affinity for cleanliness in the form of a crime scene cleaner—a surprise for most given the biohazards of the job, but Gil wasn’t bothered by it. Perhaps that was the problem, though…? Gil wasn’t bothered by it. How could a cherubun—who’s never experienced violence in their short life—be fine with the sight of gore? Enough to get up close and clean it, at that?

Gil just has a strong stomach, that’s all. Don’t think too much about it.

alcohol tolerance Nonexistent

libido Average

credit score High
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