MYO-829: Cello ღ



Gentlest florist


— PFP by Niarbytes

› Name

› Gender

› Pronouns

› Birthday



Gift art OK!

  • Friend art is OK!
  • Interactions is OK!
  • Pinup/Solo NSFW OK!
  • NSFW only with TBA
  • NSFW with other than above, NOT OKAY!
  • For any certain fetishes, ask me directly every time. Case by case.


  • Do not offer.
  • Do not ask to be pinged.
  • If you try to offer, without me offering him first, I will block you!


♡ Genuine

♡ Caring

♡ Timid

♡ Passive

Cello is a wee bit of an oddball, sticking out in Burrowgatory for being rather meek. He mostly keeps to himself and his floristry that he has with [TBA]. While he's soft spoken, he actually isn't shy! Cello is simply quiet is all!

Cello is often mistaken to be mute!

Doesn't speak much of it unless you get very close to him, but Cello firmly believes he's a 'reincarnation' of a demon. Wild, isn't it?


Code: "Celeste" by nice♡ (

Overview | Miscellaneous

Proin porttitor non leo at scelerisque. Sed nec dolor vitae mauris elementum laoreet quis eget nulla. Integer consectetur congue enim. Nulla odio arcu, lacinia luctus sapien eget, dictum volutpat massa. Aenean ut varius leo. Ut porta quam mi, non semper massa congue eleifend. Duis eu dolor condimentum, vehicula nisl vitae, vestibulum arcu. Aliquam vel magna porta, imperdiet ipsum sed, faucibus est. Phasellus ut pretium massa.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean enim libero, posuere eget orci a, ultrices congue lorem. Suspendisse tincidunt velit ullamcorper ex luctus posuere.
  • Donec imperdiet id libero ac feugiat.
  • Nunc facilisis lectus velit, id pharetra arcu iaculis vel. Vestibulum vel volutpat diam. Ut convallis tincidunt elit sed viverra.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing