MYO-8030: ❥ Cody
obedient · kind · laid back · lustful
dumb himbo man. horny 24/7 😔.
He Works as a host at Club Nightshade.
- Attention
- Physical Touch
- Getting Praised
- Cumming : )
Design Notes
- His "succubus womb tattoo" glows and it glows a lot brighter when aroused!
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Noir is the manager at Club Nightshade. He can be blunt and demanding but Cody doesn't mind. In fact, he enjoys being bossed around.
Due to Cody's high libido, this can be a bit of an issue at work. Somehow, this has led to relying on Noir anytime he needs his sexual relief 💗
Lately, Noir has been a bit more demanding than usual..
Amon is a recurrent client of Cody, spending big ammounts of money at the club to ask for Cody exclusively. He loves all the attention and expensive gifts Amon brings for him 💗 and after a little while, Amon became his sugar daddy. Meeting outside of work frequently to hook up, hang out and get spoiled.
Yi Yong
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