MYO-8012: Arturo
reserved · observant · pragmatic · ISTP 5w6
Arturo is a succubun of few words, a quiet presence babysitter in the friend group of clowns trying to prevent them from messing things up... too much.
He started working as bodyguard for the pornstar Joaquín after a serious accident in which he lost vision in his left eye and gained several new scars, he wanted something less risky and easy at least for a while , and the actor payed really well, but the job not ended being as calm and easy as he thought, but it was much more fun and with better views.
Reliable and efficient, a calm serious person with a menacing and unfriendly presence who won't show his softer side if he doesn't really trust you, he will fiery protect the ones he considers his friends and gained his respect and you won't want to be in between or be his target. Everything in his hands can be a deadly weapon and he won't give up until he accomplish what he has set out to do.
He has a crush on Joaquín he though the others haven't noticed... of course they haven't noticed.
- Spicy chocolate
- Chill plans
- Camping and other outdoor activities
- Smoking
- Have things under control
- Strong booze, he doesn't like the taste
- Small talks
- Being center of attention
- Surprises
- Owe thing to others
- Give long explanations
- Liars
Design Notes
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
- He is absolute terrible at cooking.
- Arturo likes fishes, he thinks they are cute and interesting, and go fishing (catch and release).
- You can sometimes see him knitting in the couch.
- He always carries a chocolate bar in his jacket.
- He has sleeping problems in part because tinnitus he suffers on his left ear after the accident, he is usually able to ignore the noises but not always.
- Anything in his hands can be a deadly weapon.
- He usually wears ropes tied around him under his clothes, he likes the feeling and also help him to relieve stress and feel more calm (DPS). He likes being tied up in bed and giving up control over him to
Joaquínsomeone he trusts. - Despite his rough appearance and menacing presence he is a bottom.
He started working as his bodyguard babysitter after a serious accident, something easier and less risky at least for a while and having a break... and he ended with this... clumsy idiot who makes his heart beat faster.
They worked together in the past when he worked actively as hitman doing some jobs for Ágata's boss. She founds very fun how attracted he is to Joaquín and loves teasing him about it.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
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