MYO-7539: Motley~Star
Status Taken/Single Height 4' 2'' (127cm) OccupationStreamer
Cozy· Slow· Lovely· Vibes
Motley~Star is a bun who just wants to sit back relax and play cozy games. You can see Motley doing one of two things; playing games or sleeping on a pillow of stars.
- Stars
- Naps
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- Loud Noises
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Lil' Jester
Lil' Jester and Motley have been friends for a couple of years now with Lil' Jester even going onto one of his streams. Lil' Jester is very confused about the neighbor count and Motley ruses to explain what it is.
He doesn't know much about them minus they they are there next door neighbors. He thinks that they are fine. Though sometimes when he is streaming, he and his viewers can hear them having sex. On his streams, there is a count of how many times it has happened.
Character Name
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