MYO-733: Duryn

Owned by BrownieLore


25y/o, 5'3"
Demisexual - (Self-identified) Queer


Growing up under Murmur, Duryn had a hard time developing any social skills as he was either distracted or sleeping. Now, while generally a sweet and anxious guy, he can come off as a bit awkward or rude due to a his blunt nature. Duryn never means to effect people in negative ways, though it is something he has grown to accept and is trying to change and improve every day despite the city being full of rude buns.
At a certain turn in life, while trying to push himself out of his comfort zone socially, Duryn found a job opening for Front desk at a Love Hotel on the other side of Burrowgatory. Taking the plunge, he sent a resume and he left his apartment. Luckily he got hired but that didn't help with the raised apartment prices on this side of the city. He currently lives at the hotel he works for with permission from the owner, in return for a salary cut and night shift. Because of his schedule, he usually ends up sleeping most of the day or passing out at his desk if unable to get sleep.
While Duryn's sin is sloth, he takes his job very seriously and believes love hotels to be important for buns in the city to let off steam and have comfort in their sins. Being up into the late hours sitting at the front desk is draining, but he stays awake to welcome any new customers who are looking for a private room or a clean bed after a long day. There are even times when he offers to pay for folks if it seems like they are down on their luck. Maybe even help a fellow out if they came there alone and are desperate for relief.

Drawing on notepad paper at work                                 Video Game and Movie Nights
Getting slammed down big style                                                                                    Swimming

❧  Likes                                                                                                                        Dislikes 

         Strawberries                                                                                                                Rum


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