MYO-704: Lazarus

Owned by golden-boy

 gift art - sfw
 Gift Art - nsfw
 Gift Writing - sfw
 gift writing - nsfw
 romance + nsfw
open for nsfw, closed for romance


This bun is the sort of dramatic guy who likes being pampered and waited upon, he'll always find a way to get what he wants within reason. He's also a big nerd who LARPs as a vampire prince and calls others who get close to him his thralls (much to some of their dismays). As a side hobby, he streams for a small audience, where he plays games, reacts to content, and... "Performs" for his audience of thralls. 

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Submissive or Dominant  Bottom, but can Service Top on occasion if he's really feeling it. Always is flat chested. can be drawn with or without top scars. Typically either wears a small cock or a vag.

No gender preferences but does like when his partners are more muscled/filled out than he is (which isn't very hard...he's so twig-like really)

Has a thing for roleplay, bondage, and exhibitionism.

Lipstick and Lust

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns Vampiric Prince, Lazarus.


Lazarus is quite the promiscuous vampire. Some even refuse to call him a LARPer due to how intensely he gets into character. He even eats some meals that have blood in them, though he says it's a cultural thing that he was influenced into when he was a baby bun. Whether that's true or not, your bun is bound to run into this fancy-talking flirtatious gentleman if they run in certain circles....

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive some vampiric knowledge, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Vampiric Transformation
Lazarus is always willing to encourage others to start their vampiric journeys, and he believes that the start to every vampire bun is their makeup and hair. Depict your succubun and Lazarus getting dressed up as vampires. Does your bun go for a classic red and black look, or is their interpretation of a vampire something a bit less mainstream?

Rewards: Lazarus' Lipstick

Option 2: Dark Charms
Lazarus is a lust succubun, so it's no surprise that he'll be a bit flirtatious with someone that meets his qualifications- (which really just boils down to strong and male-identifying.) Depict Lazarus flirting with your succubun, do they find him charming? Or perhaps his tendency towards outdated speech patterns are a bit too much of a turn-off...

Rewards: Lazarus' Choker

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Lazarus's trinkets, they can officially call themselves one of his thralls, should that be their wish.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed