MYO-6922: Alouette

Owned by Kaichoukai

A very carefree, frivolous, but caring bun. He is an orphan who grew up doing small jobs for very little, to get even a scrap of food. Once he reached maturity, he began to work as an escort for fast money. Through this he met his friend Takeshi who is a host at a club near Alouette's usual night time route. The two get along very well with their relaxed but work oriented ways. 
Alouette buys a small house of his own once he has saved enough, it isn't big and lavish but it is enough for him and his pets, his most beloved being his Loafki, Bon Bon. She wears many ribbons around her neck and is spoiled beyond belief. 
Once Alouette has a comfortable amount of carats in his bank account, he doesn't wander the night as much and volunteers at the local university as a model for the life drawing classes. It is here that he meets his eventual boyfriend, Niko. He teases the shorter man about his terrible drawing but ends up keeping it when the pink bun throws it away. They don't run into one another too often but every time Niko comes to the class, Alouette cannot help but tease him. Once the semester ends Alouette does not want to stop seeing Niko so he asks him on a date, it's during their first date he finds out Niko's love for sweets and disdain for vegetables. 
Months pass and the two continue to chat, meet up, sometimes engage intimate activities, but most of all learn more and even fall in love. The day they became partners Alouette asked Niko "so, what would you say we are?" To which Niko replied "you are my boyfriend" without any hesitation. 
Now Niko spends more time at Alouettes house rather than his family home, has tons of his clothes, accessories, food he enjoys, adult toys, and more. They are absolutely connected at the hip and barely go without one another for more than a day. 

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