MYO-682: Sini

Sini is well known for her career in modeling and acting. Gathering interest due to her unique appearence with her split coloration, fire, and different hair types made her gain popularity fast. Sini being active on her social media sharing cosplay, music, and her lapidary hobby certainly helped as she worked to appear more open despite her resting face. However. This work on her image has led to many rivals and enemies early in her career, making Sini isolated and affecting her sensitive side. Over time, she has learned of different ways to cope. Making a few friends on the way and gaining a more proactive manager that helps Sini avoid acting gigs she grew tired of. Especially the 'eye candy distraction' and 'bimbo who dies first' characters. Sini may be clumsy,  but she knows what would make a scene and movies better, and downgrading her to such roles pisses her off.

Sini loves acting, inspired by the 'glam scene' in a place called Hollywood she's heard about from passing buns who are more wordly. But acting isn't her goal, not something she wants to do forever. Eventually, Sini wants to own her own movie studio. Direct movies and run everything with her friend Marbles. It's hard being patient and working towards this, but when she finally gets there Sini will prove what wasted potential was used by those directors when she makes better movies.

Sini's favorite movies to act in are horror, especially slasher. Sini's 'will-o-wisp' fires and blank expression have led to great scenes when she's put into more suiting roles. One in particular where she was the final girl and had a brawl against the slasher. The brawl was not scripted, as Sini was pissed and the scene was kept as it 'added drama' according to the director (one of the few she liked). 

Close friends will find Sini is a playful, and impish lady in private. Sure, she may trip on air, but not before scaring someone with her wisp or teasing them until they stutter. Sini is also feircely protective, won't hesitate to defend a bun if she feels danger is imminient. 

Height: 6'7

Pronouns: She/Her

TH Link with future art!: Here!


  • Marbles: A kinda pathetically gullible bun Sini has taken under her care when they work together and sometimes outside of that. Adopting him as a sort of older brother that has no survival instincts. Sini is a bit weak for these types.
  • Lucien: Sini likes to play with him, teasing and in better spirits. While they are not necessarily... Dating. Sini has a fondness for him, but respects his bounderies and doesn't bring it up. Sometimes (often) models for him or his designs.
  • Asterix: One of Marbles friends that Sini was wary of. Realized he was just a brat with a mouth and has since learned how to direct him. The two often shit talk other buns at parties, becoming friends as well.


  • Modeling on her social media, cosplay
  • remixing/mash ups, includes her own raps in some of them.
  • Filmmaking
  • Lapidary
  • Manga\anime
  • Word searches
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