MYO-6482: Octavia

Owned by gummy


Octavia is a newer arrival to the city of Burrogatory; much like the envy buns before her, she found herself cast off in the outskirts of the city as soon as she reached adulthood. But where a lot of other evious buns moved towards live with others of their kind and cutting off most ties with the demons who raised them, Octavia chose to stay in the outskirts for a while, staying in touch with the demons that had fascinations with Succubuns. 

She took work for them as a maid for a time being, where her tasks would consist of anything from running basic errands for a wealthy socialite to even coming up with ways to help "eliminate" her client's rivals...but she says thats in the past now and tends to keep to herself when she is not doing work as a housekeeper.

These days, she seems to do work mostly for wealthy succubuns and help out with mundane tasks, as well as the occasional work as a bodyguard and pest control...

She keeps to herself most of the time, and tries to keep a serious and agressive demeanor. But she has a soft spot for imps, especially her precious loafki, that she affectonatly calls her "darling." 

a family can be a bunny war maid and her 1000 cat army 

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