MYO-636: Valze

Owned by MotherRadiance
2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-473


A genius fashion designer, strict and perfectionist to a fault, kind of a fashion nerd and with a stick up his ass in the not fun way but always polite. A bit of a control freak, deeply jelaous, touch-starved and tends to bottle up his feelings, which he is getting help on from a therapist and with his husband's support. A very protective and loving bun in quite a reticent way, always awkard and grumpy in his delivery but he never means to harm those closer to him with it, his fashion obsession has left him short of good friends so he is not the best at interacting, after marrying Dion he has begun to open his circle and relax a bit when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Has always dreamed of getting married to his one love but because of Burrowgatory's culture he knows that his dream can't come true, that is until he met Dion. Valze can't really cook, so he enjoys Dion's food to the fullest, though his husband forced him to learn some simple recipes so he won't starve to death or subsist of instant food, whenever he is not around.

Started his fashion journey from the time he was being raised by a vain demon who always had to look her best, her obsession with her looks and how to make it better made him notice how fashion complemented that, it made him want to look great himself. His greed for knowledge in the beauty industry shaped him into the bun he is, Valze loves making beautiful clothes and jewelry, but he loves even more knowing how to make them, what are the trends, how did it come to be, etc. He is obsessed with the statistics associated with the movement of trends, so much so, he can even predict what comes and goes out of fashion, many designers pay Valze for privileged information for their own clothing lines.

Came to the countryside to look for inspiration in his newest collection.

Stayed at Dion's winery because of it's rumored beautiful flowers and grapeyards.

Fell in love slowly with Dion during his stay with him, getting to know him gave Valze very deep feelings. Feelings he didn't notice or acted on till he was back at the capital, in which he presented his collection (that was basically a love letter to Dion, which he did not notice) and went back to be with him.

Dion did not want him to give up his career to enter a relationship with him, which caused Valze to feel insecure about Dion's feelings for him, but that was nipped at the root quite quickly by Dion himself who refused to keep on pining after finding out they were both in love and that Valze's insecurity was going to cause problems. So he sat Valze down and they had an adult conversation about how to move forward because so god help him they were going to make it work, while also making sure Valze knew for sure that they both wanted the same thing, exclusivity for each other and a long term relationship.

Which was hard because being vulnerable is difficult, especially with someone you only want always looking at your very best.

Has always dreamed of getting married to his one true love but because of Burrowgatory's culture he knows that his dream can't come true, that is until he met Dion, who wanted the same things he did.


Loves Dion deeply, way too much, Valze has incredibly heavy feelings he keeps to himself as to not scare him away. (Dion kind of knows this, just not the magnitude of said feelings, not that he cares, he tries very hard to keep Valze happy and secure in their relationship).

Is jealous and a bit scared of Magdalena, yet knows she only wants Dion to be happy  which aligns with what he wants, so they have a truce. (Completly one sided because Magdalena is very happy with his relationship with Dion and doesn't really want to fight with him, but Valze is fun to tease so shenanigans ensue).

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