MYO-6348: Rora

Owned by planter


  Roar / Rory   She/Her   27   Pride   female presenting   pansexual   Taken   Voice Claim   4'11   Artist   Theme Song

Rora Blush

playful · clumsy · needy · excited

Rora is a colourful bun who enjoys playing with accessories and dressing up. She is often seen in her bun form instead of her doll due to the fact she enjoys looking adorable and tiny, a prideful bun who takes great care in the way she looks making sure even her nails are perfect when in doll form. Rora isn’t the type to play around like what is most common with succubuns, finding herself needing to commit to just one relationship instead of playing around with many different buns. Every so often she gets funny looks about it but she shrugs it off.

She is an artist who enjoys playing around with the brighter side of life, mostly working on outfits hitting under the Decora kei theme and covering herself and her art in stickers. Her home looks as if colour has been thrown up everywhere and Rora’s goal in life is to hoard a bunch of plush pets so they can all cuddle together in a nice plush pile.

Rora finds herself unable to get aroused unless with her partner, she is a bottom who adores being absolutely dotted on. She is rather obsessive and finds herself clinging to a partner, hating the idea of sharing and has a great pride in showing off her partner as if they are an item no one else can have. Rora tends to stick to her genitals but if her partner asks her to change it up she will, not wanting to risk her partner going out to find someone else. She is the monotype when it comes to 'dating' which often gets her funny looks when she tells others.

Follow the trail of stickers and you will find her


  • Bright colours
  • The beach
  • Siren 💛
  • Arts & Crafts


  • Deep forests
  • Large groups
  • Remarks about her horns
  • Dull outfits on herself


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Please make sure to include the charms in her horns and tail, the bows arent necessary but the charms inside are.

You are welcome to move the stickers into all different locations, she applies them each morning. She also decorates her nails in doll form but you arent obligated to do that.

Decorate her to your hearts content! Her ears also can be moved from the tied up position if you want to curl them or lower them, have fun.

The heart with wing on her thigh is a tattoo and not a sticker so must stay in the same location.


  • Her horns and tail shake like little shaker charms so they often make sounds when she walks, this can annoy some buns but ones she befriend just get use to it.
  • Rora has a fear of darkness due to being lost in the forest when she was younger. Due to this her bedroom roof is covered in glow in the dark stars to help keep her at ease.
  • Most of her home is littered with random bows and stickers that Rora is too lazy to pick up, not the very clean type.
  • She has gone through not one, not two but three 'lifetime' supplies of stickers. Tye magazine she had won each 'lifetime' supply from has now got her details down to ban her from any future sticker themed contests.


 she/her  tbu

Siren is Rora's other half, the two in a monogamous relationship (by bun standards). Outside of Siren's work the two are committed and dont take on other lovers, Rora being quiet clingy on Siren when she isn't working.

The two met at Siren's place of work during the more casual hours and since then Rora hasn't really left her side. Rora takes pride in her relationship with Siren, acting almost as if she is a trophy to show off though she does love her deeply. Rora also has a habit of asking Siren to marry her every time they do something slightly romantic wanting to have that feel of being number one in her life.

 she/her  26

Circe is one of Rora's littermates that she was raised with. The two did have a period where they dated but split instead becoming friends.

During her relationship with Circe, Rora learnt that she wasnt comfortable sharing a lover with others romantically. Wanting their heart to only be hers, not wanting to force Circe into that kind of life the two did split on bad terms. Circe leaving some rather nasty remarks on her heart as the two fought, after years Rora found herself missing Circe and the two rekindled becoming friends.

Character Name
            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Morbi a fermentum massa. Suspendisse et elit non dui euismod interdum nec et nulla. Nullam sit amet erat pretium, posuere orci efficitur, auctor nisi. Nulla vulputate tincidunt dolor, nec ultricies tellus congue non. Curabitur neque odio, porta non auctor id, mattis eu nunc. Quisque eu malesuada ex.

HTML by LeafJelly



- Bottom


- Medium


- 1 past lover & Siren


- High, spends her time learning what pleases her partner.

Bodily Info

- B/C cup chest, Trimmed pubic hair, Vagina. (If she uses her penis its 5.5 imches hard and 4.2 when flaccid.


- Has to be someone she is dating, has to have a nice and close bond to the person she is having sex with


- Overstimulation, Praise, Siren, Sloppy kisses, Hearing her name moaned, Her partners whimpers, Hands on her waist & Neck Kisses

Kink Info

- Orgasm Control, Begging, Body Worship, Edging, Dirty Talk, Face sitting, Instructions, Roleplay & Rope play

Preferred Location

- Bedroom with many pillows but will play with her partner anywhere they want to


- Can only cum twice before being overstimulated. Will continue to shower her partner for hours or until they are overstimulated


- Prefers cuddles, pats and gentle words.

HTML by osteoh
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed