MYO-598: Riol

Owned by mallizard


Alcohol Tol. Promising

Libido Circumstantial

Credit Score ???


Age28 (5/11)
Height:5'6" (168cm)


  • Painting
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Patching Injuries


  • Sleeping on the Street
  • Always Glaring
  • New Bandages Daily


Feral Instincts • Quiet and Intimidating • Broke Batman

Riol was raised by a demon who wanted a traveling companion, learning both how wonderful and terrible the world could be after his caretaker's untimely demise. He survived on his own for some time, changing ownership from demon to demon before he managed to run away and find his way back to Burrowgatory. He now struggles to integrate, even with the church's attempts at helping him.

Rather than find a job or home to call his own he wanders the streets, aiming to stop those who would indulge in their vices at the expense of other buns happiness. When he gets too hurt he'll make his way to his twin brother's home, or the church will find him resting in the pews. Often accompanying him from the shadows is his reliable Chirop friend, who keeps him fed and out of any surveillance camera's view.

Lately he's been wondering if.. this is the life his mentor would've wanted for him, when he invited him along his adventure. Is there a way to be happier..? Does he deserve it?


Yonah and Riol kept his brother's emotional disconnect a secret from everyone, but once Riol left Yonah had to learn how to handle it all on his own. Would Riol's presence have made his brother's life better? He isn't sure.. but intends to aid him in any way that he can now.

Vineas was a childhood friend and crush that Riol never forgot. If anything his feelings for him have deepened.. and having them returned brings him happiness he thought he'd forgotten entirely.

Elysia must be protected, Riol is sure. When they are alone at the church sometimes he will keep an eye on her in the shadows or a bush, to make sure no one attempts to harm the kind woman who occasionally feeds him tasty things.

Helias is a demon who loved Riol's mentor very much, but now that he's gone they only have each other to comfort. Riol considers him family.. him and his warm hugs are welcome to visit any time.



  Profile Code by pinkyTabs Code by zinnia


Healing and Harming

Meet Succubuns Crime Fighting Vagabond, Riol.

Riol may seem angry, but he's mostly just socially inept. He only recently relocated to Burrowgatory after traveling alone for so long, and has yet to adapt to big city life. Your Succubun knows this, and has decided to join him on patrol to provide assistance.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to earn Riol's trust, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Life Lessons

Riol may have memorized every street and alleyway, but knowing the layout of a city does not a proper citizen make. Depict the kind of lesson your Succubun would teach Riol. What do they think is integral to metropolitan life? Technology, parties, taxes, the choices are endless.. and he needs all the help he can get.

Rewards: Riol's Painting


Option 2: Crime Doesn't Pay

Riol patrols the city to keep it safe, and sometimes that means fending off villains who'd threaten that safety. Depict your bun and Riol cleaning up crime with a good old-fashioned fistfight, or perhaps patching up injuries after the fact. They could be the bun Riol is saving from danger, or even Riol's opponent if they were the culprit all along.

Rewards: Riol's Handcuffs

  • Gift art is allowed