MYO-5857: Finley

Owned by Kewkie

He/Him, Ambivert
Doll Height: Unknown
Job: Influencer/Vlogger

"Hello my lovelies."


Finley never tries hard at anything, instead he relies on his good looks to carry him through life. It was no surprise when he became an influencer by vlogging about himself. He amassed a great number of subscribers who admire his lax lifestyle. In a world where everyone seems to be racing to get to the top, Finley’s unhurried personality is a breath of fresh air. Moreover, his fans wish they could become successful simply by living their daily lives like him. 

The scenes in Burrowgatory are always changing due to the increasing population. At least one or more new shops  pop up per week. Finley uses these new spots to make content for his channel. And if it’s not that, he will make content about his diet, daily routine or latest purchases.

FinTV became such a hit that Finley had to hire a team who edits his videos and manages the business side of things. All he has to do is live his life while recording it. Brands and companies flock to him, offering sponsorships in hopes he would use their products. At his success level, he can pick and choose which brands he wants to endorse. 

The financial advisors at SuccessRate work hard to invest Finley’s wealth so that he has some financial cushion. Finley doesn’t really care too much about how they’re investing it so long as he remains wealthy and comfortable.

He spends a lot of his earnings on anything he finds fun, despite his financial team’s advice. Finley has a fixation on video games and started branching into streaming too. His streams became popular because he never gets upset at losing which is considered refreshing by his audience. His other interests include collecting designer sweaters or Tabby’s Creations toys.

Even though he is popular online, Finley doesn’t get much paparazzi in person, probably because he is an e-celeb and not a celeb. Some also theorize that it’s because Finley is small and quiet, thus most pass by without noticing. Only those who engage with him may recognize him.

He can be found all over Burrowgatory, visiting new shops, spas or restaurants. There are a few spots he will frequent, Wendy & Frank’s Diner being one of them. Finley is too lazy to use his doll form since it requires changing into a different set of clothes—so he just stays as a bun.

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