MYO-5836: ⟡ Arune ⚦
Owned by candy
⭐️🍓🍦🍨 ARUNE
UBE MOCHI MILK TEA (or ube with condensed milk)
Arune - PROFILE A WIP - He/They/She (agender/genderfluid)
Loves: --
Hates: --
Character Comparisions: --
Height: --
Change Hairstyle: --
Change Outfit: Please only draw them in the outfits you can find in their ML & Gallery
Doll Feet: HOOVED (only human when wearing shoes)
NSFW: --
Note: THIS IS BUN IS CREATED FROM THE MAIN ORIGNAL CHARATCER OF MY COMIC BOOK. Besides this closed species design, this is MY CHARACTER. I will not stand for anyone stealing this general character, especially this character outside of succubuns.
Gift art is allowed