MYO-5754: Flann

Owned by nihal


A curious scientist that made it her mission to explore as much of the Burrowgatory as possible. She belives herself to be the best suited person for any job, besides just coming out of the bunnery and being very young. She's very confident in herself, often leading her into dangerous situations, causing her to already have a few scars. She takes pride in her exploration, and greatly enjoys doing it, talking the ears off anyone who will listen to her findings.

A secondary mission of hers, besides being an explorer, is to create her own 'harem'/polyam relationship. When asked she says that's her goal because having more 'fellow beings to bounce ideas off and maybe use as test subjects' is benefical, but in reality she just likes the attention and affirmations of relationships, as she often secretly feels insecure about her skills. 

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