MYO-5743: Basileia

Owned by swirltraveler

Also responds to "Leia". (I have a gf bun in the works for her, hehe~.)

A hard-working bun, one might be surprised to see that this greed Succubun doesn't expect everything to be handed to her on a silver platter, especially since she was a bun raised by Murmur. However, she believes that the best way to get what you want is to do it yourself, and she applies this to most of what she does. She is a frequent patron of the Church of Sulfur, and even sometimes does errands for the Church in order to reap the benefits.

She has encountered Mercy's skimming of the coffers, but is easily bribed with some carats to keep her mouth shut. In exchange, she does a few extra favors for them when the need arises.

Despite her appearance, she has a rougher way of speaking; she was once mentored under the tutelage of a vigilante, before she had broken away from him due to disagreements regarding her future.

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