MYO-5680: Saiya Kasagi

Owned by KrissySempaiArt

She/Her They/Them


Saiya's main source of income is asking Eren and Felix, or asking random men on the street who find her attractive. She almost always gets what she wants just from her cute looks and personality. 

 Eren's younger sister, same breeding pair. Unlike most siblings, these two  get along due to their few year  age gap. Saiya will frequently call Eren " Stinky Britches." 

Saiya has no preference as long as a they will treat her like a princess. Any bun who looks like her brother though is instantly turned down as she finds it gross as hell.  No edgy , emo buns allowed !

Unless you're a woman. Then you can be edgy. 
Saiya demands to be pampered and spoiled, more femme presenting buns usually can get away with a lot less of this though as she seems to have more of a soft spot for them. 

Saiya gravitates towards 'older' men when she wants something from them. Usually carats. Felix better watch out !

Saiya likes ocean / water based imps, as well as ghost like imps.

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