MYO-5648: Crimson

Owned by Skullyarrd



Doll Height: 6’6

Job: Whatever he's paid to do


Magnificently confident and smug by nature, Crimson has an easy time making both enemies and friends everywhere he goes. He lacks any surface level rudeness, maintaining a frankly unwarranted and unearned level of calm charisma and charm. He's very easy to love and just as easy to despise.
He maintains a perplexing moral compass, seeing no issue with harming others for what he wants while subsequently refusing to tell lies, even if it would benefit him. He's incapable of taking most anything seriously, viewing himself as indestructible and overall perfect. He lives to bother others and make them uncomfortable, until they tell him to stop which he will, another example of his confusing thought process.
Crimson will on occasion decide to have a vested interest in the life of another person, preferring to spend as much of his time as is reasonable with them. He doesn't really know what happens or why and when he's finally bored he moves on as if nothing ever happened. This isn't necessarily unhealthy as he doesn't become obsessed but it can distract him from his current friendships.
Crimson, like many Envy buns, has some deep seated emotional issues that he generally keeps under wraps. Even if you were to get him to be vulnerable with you, you'd be quickly directed away from the topic by him.
Very few things seem to upset Crimson, as if he can't be bothered. It's probably something to do with his core personality trait being obnoxiously confident.
General Information:
- Hates citrus
- Loves strawberries
- Sometimes zones out. Don't touch him he will be upset :(
- Has a soft spot for imps
- Extremely well read, owns a room full of books.
- Practices multiple fighting styles, mostly for fun. Very fond of just breaking shit too, if needs must.
Raised by a demon who cared little for him and his litter mates, Crimson reacted to this injustice with anger and spite. Deep down the treatment left him with a lingering jealousy of things that everyone had, so when he came to burrowgatory the anger and spite didn't leave for a very long time. Why did others have more than he did? Why do some of them speak of their demons so fondly despite not remembering much? Loving your litter mates? It all seemed so foreign. It felt like a joke played on him specifically.
Nowadays he's much less bothered by his past, having mellowed out from the anger the hurt in his past created.
Currently he spends most of his time with Gale, being a general nuisance. Despite his attitude being less than helpful and often encouraging Gale to go back to poor behavior from his past, Crimson cares deeply for Gale and keeps him from doing anything too dangerous.
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