Owned by M1L0
Nicknames[ CLASSIFIED ] PronounsHe/Him They/Them Age 42 Bun TypeSuccubun GenderMale SexualityPansexual Status Taken Height6' 8'' (203.2cm) OccupationBuisness Manager



 Opulence is the King of Riches, he was crowned by his forefathers, and himself to run his own. He is an owner of a Cafe and Bar, the Cafe is called Crimson Rock, and the Bar is called Golden Clifside. They are two buildings connected to one another as they run side by side one in the day and one in the night. Rumors has it that there is a underground Gambling ring beneath the very building. 

.... See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no Evil .....

Opulence is a gentleman who is self reserved and very passionate with what he does, and kind to those who are around him. Though in his intimidating attire and gase, he is one to not let himself be seen as a threat unless.. something calls for that attention. They indulge in their common nature as a greed succubun as they are greedy for attention, money, and adreline.

Even in the skeleton of a man stands infront of people, deep down they are a driven, devoted, loving, and adoring man who would lay not only his own life for them. They would burn, drown, sufficate, and carve the world for the one they adore. They are one to lay gold, and crimson ichor for the one they want, need, and must have. They drive for nothing but the same attention he would give to that one special bun.


  • Gambling, Opulence is one to enjoy the thrill of the money that is thrown onto the table. They love the sheer compitition, and how much people drive themselves to try and win. 

  • Devotion, they can take a grand notice in how one takes care of themeslves and others around. Especially in the tasks they are very interested in and want nothing but to do the best. They see it with a clean look. 

  • Whiskey, who doesn't like a drink of the sour bitter drink, filling the nares of the nose and the wooden aftertaste.

  • MONEY- thats pretty self explanitory. 


  • Disloyalty/ Dishonesty, the man is not one to tolerate disloyalty to himself, especially when he himself puts so much into another bun. In a single sniff of disloyalty/Dishonesty can bring nothing good. 

  • Cheaters are one of the biggest things that Opulence does not find kindness towards. May it be a bun or someone playing a game with them. Cheaters only get gold embedded into their skulls after cheating. Doesn't matter of what type of cheating that is present. 

  • Losing <- This is self explanitory but they are very competitive in their work especially in gambling. They hate losing to games because of their superstitions they know when they are beat and or burning at the seams. 

  • [ REDACTED ]


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Love Interest / Sugar Baby

Opulence has known quinn for a short amount of time, and yet their body and heart yearns for them. They are the one that has them want to lay the earth, the hells, the heavens, the stars, and the galaxys for them. Wanting nothing more but to hold them, call them mine. They spend majority of their time whatching their streams, spending countless amounts of money on their streams. As they are a dedicated Supporter of their stream content. If the woman wants something or wishes for a goal, he drives the stream to get it. Even in his devotion and the drive that digs ever deep, he is nothing but a gentleman, kind, and loving soul towards her. He only wants to make her feel like a person and not just someone on a screen <3. 

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