MYO-5512: Sadie
outgoing · sweet · ditzy
A very attentive yet clumsy bun. Tends to attract a lot of attention due to her sweet persona, cute appearance, and southern charm. Currently she works as a waitress, but it's her dream to open a flower shop of her own one day. If only she could organize her funds and motivation enough to do so...
- Social Events
- Flowers
- Imps
- Cooking
- Disrespectful People
Design Notes
Very fluffy hair and ears, with flowers in her hair and a flower pattern on her ears. Hair is usually braided. Light purple nails and small, light purple horns. Brown-ish/Pink-ish eyes. B...big boobs.
- Most of her imps live and help in her home garden.
Sadie stumbled upon Viola's flower shop one day asking for a bouquet of flowers, only to find herself being scolded! Unfortunately for Viola, Sadie's only true takeaway from this experience was that Viola was clearly very knowledgable on the topic of flora, and now pesters her for advice when making her own arrangements.
Being the only employee of Viola's flower shop, Sadie has gotten to know Nina quite well (she thinks). The two could chat for hours, and Sadie is more than happy to divulge all of the gossip she picks up while working at the diner!
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