MYO-5480: Yarmund

Owned by Kewkie
The Hardheaded Tavern Keeper

He/Him, Ambivert
Doll Height: 182 cm
Job: Tavern Owner

"Come on! That's the best you got?"


Yarmund welcomes all to his humble tavern which is run in his moored ship by a lake in Burrowgatory. He used to take his vessel out to clean up the water for a living, but his ship got too old after several decades and Yarmund wanted a career change, thus The Crooked Arm was born.

The tavern name is not just a name. Yarmund enjoys hosting arm wrestling matches for his guests. It serves as good entertainment, and every night, new faces would show up to compete. The Crooked Arm has since become a well-known spot for those looking to test their strength. He will gladly take part in the matches too. His days spent at sea, dragging in garbage, has given him plenty of exercise and built up his strength. Now, he lugs around barrels containing alcohol which is about the same effect.

Besides being a rowdy hub for likeminded muscleheads, Yarmund's tavern is a good spot away from Burrowgatory's core, allowing buns to escape the city’s hustle and bustle. There is no fancy bar counter, stools, or wait staff, just some barrels, makeshift tables, and Yarmund. He runs the bar and serves up whatever edible snacks he can rummage together. If anyone is too much of a disturbance, the patrons are ready to toss the fool out. That is how it is done at The Crooked Arm.

The sword hung on his belt was used once upon a time to defend his ship from raiders and bandits. Nowadays, it is more of an accessory that he's become accustomed to keeping by him. Yarmund prefers to use his fists to threaten people anyways.

Thalita, his ship, is also his home; the tavern is run in the lower deck while Yarmund's residence is in the upper deck. His life is fairly simple and he likes it that way. Yarmund just wants good mead and entertainment. He prefers to barter in exchange for things or services as opposed to using carats.

He is stubborn but practical. Most will find him agreeable.

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