MYO-543: ✨️ Jett Cartier

Owned by witchcrafting

Jett Cartier
| Local Conman of Burrowgatory |

He/They · Mid 20s · 5'9" in doll form

If any pretty face was extremely deceiving, it would be none other than Jett Cartier. This guy has never had a bad hair day in his life. He's usually seen strutting around the streets of the Rabbit Hole or Wonderland Casino; where business is the most bustling from day to day. Jett walks around with a divine aura following him, holding his head high most days. He's a very extroverted bun, never really having worked a day in his life to be the pretty boy he is. Or so others tend to think.

On the surface, Jett appears to be someone who uses looks and charm to get what he wants, whether it be a free drink or food, or even a few carats here and there.  But as curtains are meant to do, there's a different side to him usually only revealed to a handful of people; his clients, if you will.

Jett is a tradesman, a man in the market, working under the alias 'Bluebird'. He's often collecting trinkets and packages, trading amongst other buns for goods. Though, he's never truly the most fair in his trades. You see, this conman brings his manipulativeness into his work and tends to do everything he can to get things for free, and he's usually never told no. He goes to great lengths to get what he wants. He's a gluttony bun turned very greedy.

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