MYO-5395: Felix Linkov

Owned by KrissySempaiArt


Felix seems to do work in the porn industry, but he is so mysterious and hard to talk to that only Eren really knows the extent, since getting Eren to do sex for work is not thst hard at all. Wiggle a few carats to buy new imps at him and he will have a blast.  Felix is a rich man, and happily pays to get with ladies from his aquaintence  Fennel's lovely assortment of workers. 

A grumpy man overall, but still kind-ish. Will poke fun at you but will also protect you and stand up for others.

Only he can pick on people. 

Felix became an envy bun because he was envious of how others were able to find love and friends easily, and was never treated the same as other buns. All he wants is love and friends, despite his unapproachable and grumpy demeanor !

Felix likes Saiya, but doesn't see her 'in that way' , mostly because his relationship with Eren. It hasn't stopped her from trying though, but he will give her carats just for asking. 

Felix prefers more femme presenting folk of all kind, and is incredibly aggressive when having sex. He won't do anything the other doesn't want, but getting him to take a break is basically impossible. Exhaustion is fun for him. He happily pounds Eren though, when Eren will let him. 

Felix enjoys over-stimulation and exhausting his partners, so be prepared for a long night! 

Felix has no real preference for someone's actual 'physical sex' and will get down and dirty with almost anyone. But dressing up in cute clothes with win him over instantly and treat you like a princess.


He prefers more dog and cat like imps.

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