MYO-5272: Lady Beatrice

Owned by Kewkie
The Jaundiced Socialite

She/Her, Ambivert
Doll Height: 160cm
Job: N/A

"I—of course not! Mind your manners."


Beatrice knows it is 'who' you know that usually gets you the opportunities in life. As soon as she could network, she maximized on her connections to propel herself into the elite. She did not spare a moment from bathing in the exclusive perks that came with the status. Her days were filled with glamourous parties, endless drinks and the attention of others wherever she went.

As time went on, and Beatrice became accustomed to her high life, she grew tired of the same old routine with the same old crowd. Being a socialite also meant that there were etiquette and standards she must abide by to avoid disapproval from her peers. Despite the pressure to stay within expectations, her eyes and mind would wander and she would watch the seemingly simplistic life of the lower class around her who lived freely. If only Beatrice could join them in freedom too.

Her wealth comes from a deceased lover of the same social class as herself. She received a sizeable lump sum and properties to rent out so that she does not have to work. It has been difficult for Beatrice to open her heart up to other suitors since, but when she met Harlow, everything changed. Unfortunately, Harlow's considered a lower class citizen, meaning Beatrice is stuck at a crossroad about her feelings.

Her insecurities are kept close to heart and she does not like to be alone. Beatrice prefers to be accompanied by one of her fellow socialites or she will travel with her imps in place of them. She stays away from those outside her circle because speaking to the lower class could put a stain on her reputation, regardless of how she truly feels about them; if she must speak to them, it will generally be for a service.

You can find her lounging in different classy restaurants and clubs, sometimes judging them harshly if their standards are not to her own (something she learned from her peers). She is trained in the knowledge of literature and ballroom dancing.

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