MYO-5255: ★ Marius ︎
Mature · Obedient · Intelligent
Marius is well known throughout the Burrowgatory as the bun who has dedicated his life to advising the Royal Pain in the Ass. He is level-headed and mature, rarely ever complaining about what life throws at him. He is adaptive and can take anything out of a messy situation, most likely because of who he works with daily... He enjoys the work he does and the way it pays off in the end. On his days off, Marius enjoys tea tasting at one of the many tea shops within the Burrowgatory.
- Visiting tea shops and trying new flavors
- Any form of praise or compliments
- Being proven right in arguments
- Planning and organizing
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Crowded or cluttered rooms
- Buns who talk behind others' backs
- Cleaning up after imps
Marius and Ozymandias were littermates and stuck together after moving to the Burrowgatory. Their bond is extremely close despite their differing personalities. Marius is extremely tolerant of Ozymandias's nonsense, which many find surprising. He knows how to keep Ozymandias at bay and how to talk him down from an outburst. Marius is very protective of Ozymandias and will always defend him if he hears anyone talk bad about him.
Marius and Caedmon got to know each other through working with Ozymandias. He thinks of Caedmon as a far too lenient bun at times. Given how often Caedmon enables Ozymandias's actions and vice versa, Marius knows that he'll eventually have to clean up both of their messes. The two don't hang out often unless Ozymandias is around, but he supposes he appreciates Caedmon's presence to make sure Ozymandias isn't killed.
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