MYO-5240: 💫 Halcyon 💫

Owned by Fire



As a Cherubun, Halcyon’s personality has had a tumultuous shift over the years, in that determining who he wants to be outside of Melangel’s “”guidance”” has been a journey in and of itself. Growing up in the Heavenly Meadow, Halcyon made friends easily enough. Their agreeable nature, endless compassion, and genuine interest in others made them a popular shoulder to cry on, a mediator to rely on, and a companion to lean on. However, Melangel’s expectations always looked over him, making him self-conscious and giving him a perfectionist mindset. Halcyon was never properly allowed or shown to process emotion in a healthy way, and as such… his reactions are typically neutral. Melangel explained that Halcyon was the embodiment of a living song, a melodic, soulful tune about easing the suffering of those passing. That was a lot to live up to for Hal. They always try to put others above themselves, often at the cost of their own well-being. But, staying ever so prim, proper, and polite does that to a fellow.

What Halcyon truly desired, was a total lack of inhibition. The ability to be completely free to do as he pleases, without worry of upholding the impossible standards set by Melangel (and often times reinforced by more haughty cherubuns). A constant guilt and worry over these thoughts clouded Hal’s judgement at every turn: was this decision the correct, most benevolent one, or was this one? Decision paralysis was his daily struggle. But, this was all there was to life, wasn’t it…?

Dove’s departure and return opened a new door quite literally for Halcyon. With Dove’s bravery and determination, Hal saw another world open before them, one where they could have a chance to stand on their own feet and make choices based on what they would want, rather than what was “most pure”. With only an ounce of hesitation for leaving behind everything he ever knew, Halcyon dove through to the surface and into his new life.

Though now happily residing in the caverns, Halcyon is still finding his footing in Burrowgatory proper. He’s still quite skittish about the city as he does prefer the solitude of the countryside and quiet living compared to the hustle and bustle. It’s taken a lot of time to adjust. Even so, Halcyon is comfortable living in the Heavenly Embassy, and he gets along very well with Primrose as they worked together in the Heavenly Meadow often. Halcyon loves tending to the Garden of Virtues as he has quite the green thumb. Outside of his interest in flora and fauna (imps absolutely fascinate them, much to Primrose’s indignation), Halcyon is an accomplished sculptor and painter, interested in many fine arts. His favorite activity is playing the harp by a cozy fire in the golden hour of the evening.

Halcyon’s goal now is to find where into the puzzle of the world he fits into. Understanding their emotions and how to navigate life truly feeling everything there is to offer will be a new first step on the journey of self-discovery. Slowly venturing into the city and becoming more and more integrated with succubun culture is going to be intimidating at first, but with friends and grace, Halcyon will certainly find their way.

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