MYO-5177: Muirin Faust

Owned by mashi_potatos


Prefers to use her last name, Faust, while Muirin is reserved only for those closest to her heart

A bit of an airhead, gentle and soft-spoken, Faust doesn't like being the center of attention and can easily become overwhelmed when put in such a situation. She's awkward and anxious, so she feels much more at ease being a wallflower, listening to conversations rather than being part of them.

A member of the Church of Sulfur, Faust's main job is taking care of the gardens, though most of her time there is spend napping or admiring the plants. She's given them all names and chats with them every day, which is why they grow so well (according to her) - it's the only time one can hear her talk freely and without worry.

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