MYO-5171: Malakai

Owned by RoowCarver


"Ah shit, here we go again..."
Name [Malakai Daedra Randcell]
Name Pronunciation [MalaKAE]
Species [Envy Succubun]
Age [looks like 25 years old]
Gender [Trans male]
Pronouns [He/him/it]
Orientation [Bisexual]
Occupation [store owner and dealer in the casino]
Status [Busy]
Design Notes
  • Dallathor did the bun design, traits and lines/pose.
  • I did the bun color design and the complete doll image.
  • Special thanks to Planted101 who helped me to make the doll's hooves.
  • He usually dresses this way when he is attending his store or in the casino, his casual dress is punk/gothic style, always dark colors or black.
  • Even if he changes his clothes, he always wears a bracelet or an accessory with the trans flag.

Cras ac leo ut nibh scelerisque dapibus egestas sit amet nisi. Nunc pretium imperdiet posuere. Vivamus pulvinar arcu nec nibh fermentum, vel elementum massa vehicula. Ut quis magna blandit, posuere sapien ac, sollicitudin diam. Donec laoreet erat ac fringilla varius. Etiam id metus vitae odio eleifend aliquam. Vivamus suscipit eu ligula eu accumsan.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed